Help us lead change For our common good and the next generation’s
The Green Party is the only major political party in the UK that is committed fully to a life based on democracy and justice within the planet’s limits.
The Green Party has always dared to be different – and we’ve always known the power of good ideas.
Unlike others, we know that our planet has environmental limits, we understand that not everyone wants to live to work, that inequality is not just unfair, but damaging to everyone in society. And we have the bold solutions which allow us to offer inspiration in this age of uncertainty.
The Dover and Deal Green Party are the local party for the Dover District Council area. We campaign on local issues in Deal, Dover, Sandwich and surrounding villages.
On Thursday 9th January 2025, 39 Kent County Council (KCC) councillors out of 58 present voted to kill off Kent County Council and replace it with a mayoral authority; to kill off also 13 Kent Local Planning Authorities – district, borough and Medway councils – and replace them with 3 giant mega unitary councils within 2… Read more: No Fake Devolution – Green Party alone stand up for Democracy in Kent.
Around 150 local residents crowded into Walmer Parish Hall for the launch of Save Our Seas Deal and Walmer, SOSDAW, on Fri 3rd January, a new community campaign group open to all. Two keen environmental campaigners, Jonathan and Emily Groves, and two volunteer organisers of the local Green Party, Christine Oliver and Sarah Waite-Gleave, worked hard… Read more: Green Party campaigners behind launch of new clean water campaign group SOSDAW
On 25th July 2024 Green Party councillor Sarah Waite-Gleave was on the BBC local news speaking out about how worried local swimmers are that the seawater at Deal Castle Beach has been down-graded from ‘excellent’ in 2019, to ‘good’ in 2021 and to ‘sufficient’ in 2023. The week earlier this story was on the front page… Read more: Speaking up for cleaner seawater in Dover District
Earlier this summer we had a great turn out to our local Green Party fundraising quiz for Dover Pantry. A great location in St Radigund’s ward at the Old Endeavour pub, 124 London Rd, Dover and a great team of organisers, Steph O’Connor, Christine Oliver, Zachary Cooke and Simon Phillips, meant that we raised close to… Read more: Raising funds for a great Dover cause
Oh Dear ! The developers constructing on the steep area by the allotments on Folkestone Road have decided to go way beyond the planning application conditions. This is a development by Enzo’s Homes. Why would these developer get the idea that planning conditions don’t matter ? Is it due to the announcements about pleasing developers… Read more: Standing up to developers in Elms Vale and Maxton