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This is the general news page for the Dover & Deal Green Party. We campaign very actively in rural parishes and in towns, and at district level. If you wish to read news about work of the Green councillors on your town council please visit the respective page:

Christine Oliver for Dover and Deal; a great resident MP candidate!

By Editorial Team | 11th June 2024

The Green Party is the fastest growing party in Kent. The coastal, rural and urban communities here know only too well the state of the crumbling public services in the ‘Gateway to England’.  So Dover and Deal needs the smart, determined, local resident who is Christine Oliver of the Green Party. View our 2024 General Election […]

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Elphicke’s Jump : Proof We Need Cleaner, Green Housing & Planning Policies. 

By Editorial Team | 11th May 2024

What was especially sickening in news of Elphicke’s defection to Labour, was to hear that Elphicke ‘has been offered a role advising Labour on housing’ (BBC-SE TV 6pm). So self-interest from Elphicke, a new low in UK politics. Her welcome from Keir Starmer doesn’t reflect well on the Labour front bench either.  Green Party MP […]

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Better, Cheaper Homes in Dover Town and a Better DDC Local Plan please.

By Editorial Team | 10th January 2024

Planning Inspectors held 20 days of public examination hearing on our Dover district Local Plan between 14 Nov and 13 Dec 2023. The Local Plan will shape what is built where, and what is protected where, in specific planning applications for many years to come. Our spokesperson Sarah Waite-Gleave was allocated opportunities to speak up […]

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Local Green Party pushes new DDC team for action on Climate and Nature

By Editorial Team | 22nd October 2023

It is good news that the new DDC team heeded the request we Greens made on 19 July 2023 to support the Climate & Ecology Bill. On Wed 18 Oct 2023 eighteen DDC councillors voted to support the Bill, on behalf of our district, so the agenda item passed. The Bill was presented in Parliament, […]

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New Dover District Council Leader Makes Commitments to Climate, Ecology and Fuel Poverty Campaigners

By Editorial Team | 25th July 2023

Green Party members push new DDC administration for action, accountability and collaboration on  climate justice. At 5pm Wednesday 19th July, a couple of dozen campaigners gathered outside Dover District Council (DDC) Chamber before the full council meeting. With banners and a ‘die-in’ the campaigners (from East Kent Climate Action, from Transition Town Dover, Sandwich Environmental […]

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Why are Greens standing in the General Election in Dover and Deal?

By Editorial Team | 20th July 2023

We believe that this Tory government is disastrous for people and planet and needs to be removed. Sadly, the Labour Party seem more interested in preventing Greens growing stronger than in getting rid of the Tories. Nationally, Labour have not been prepared to make any agreements with the Green Party on standing aside or not […]

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Betteshanger Country Park Decision

By Editorial Team | 20th July 2023

Dover & Deal Green Party congratulate Friends of Betteshanger following their campaign against a planning application from Quinn Estates for Betteshanger Country Park. We share their statement here: On 13th July 2023, Dover Planning Committee rejected the application by Quinn Estates to build a luxury Hotel on Betteshanger Country Park. They are to be congratulated […]

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Folkestone Greens show what cooperative leadership means!

By Editorial Team | 30th May 2023

“It is one thing to take power, another to do so with respect for other opposition parties. Our colleagues in Folkestone and Hythe have shown the way forward, increasing democracy and reducing control-freakery,” said Christine Oliver, Dover and Deal’s Green prospective parliamentary candidate. Folkestone & Hythe District Council (FHDC) has become the first in Kent […]

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Action on Crises : Greens will work cross-party, will others?

By Editorial Team | 26th May 2023

The mission of Dover and Deal Green Party is to resolve or mitigate the interlinked crises of climate and ecological emergency and cost-of-living. With a 40degree heat wave experienced in the UK in July 2022, the climate emergency is not a party political slogan. It is reality; things are worse than when we initiated 3  […]

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May 4th 2023 Election Results

By Editorial Team | 13th May 2023

Following the May 4th 2023 election results, we’re sad that we won’t have the Green voices on Dover District Council (DDC) to push for more action on the climate, ecological and cost of living emergencies. Despite all the months of hard work by our small team we were runners up in our target wards, 53 […]

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What a Green group at Dover District Council would work to achieve

By Editorial Team | 19th April 2023

Green candidates are campaigning in 4 Dover District Council (DDC) wards, where we were top runner up in 2019. We are also campaigning in 5 other DDC wards, and for 11 town council seats too. You CAN #VoteGreen #GetGreensElected. If YOU elect Green candidates to Dover District Council on May 4th, Dover & Deal Green Party […]

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Dover and Deal Green Party announces District and Town candidates. Local elections 4 May 2023

By Editorial Team | 5th April 2023

The Green Party in Dover district is working to gain some seats and form a group on Dover District Council (DDC), to form a group on Dover Town Council, and to retain seats on Deal and Walmer town councils in the local elections on 4 May. Read profiles of our Dover District Council election candidates […]

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