A Plastics Free Council

There is a general awareness across the country that plastics are damaging our environment – especially our oceans.

Groups like ‘Deal With It’ are showing a brilliant example with cleaning our local beaches.

How can DDC help?

Deal and Dover Green Party will do what we can. As a start we will make DDC a plastics free council and extend this to council subcontractors.  We are working with Transition Dover that tackling plastic pollution is discussed by Dover Town Council followed by action.

Recycling in our area can be improved and we also would introduce bulk collections and reduce fly tipping.

This article covered one of the 14 Themes of Dover and Deal Geen Party Action Plan:

  1. Action on Climate Emergency
  2. Open Government
  3. Improving Democracy
  4. Value for Money
  5. Policies to Support Local Business
  6. Planning Policy that Works
  7. No to Fracking
  8. Yes to support for electric cars
  9. A Plastics Free Council
  10. Ending Live animal exports
  11. Better Air Quality
  12. Support for Bus Transport
  13. Better Amenities – Especially For Young People
  14. Universal Credit and Other Benefits
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