The Green Party is growing fast. We now represent people in Westminster and in a record number of local councils, as well as in the London Assembly.
Nationally, the Green Party have 809 councillors. In the South-East we have 195 Green councillors championing fairer, greener futures for their communities and working hard to make local people’s lives better – the most of any Green Party region in England.
In 2023 in Dover District, Greens won 10 seats on Town and Parish Councils to became the 3rd largest party locally. Our Councillors add that much needed voice to the Council chamber to address the critical issues that the older parties are not even discussing.
We’re working progressively on local issues; to improve the lives of all people in Dover and Deal, and to improve our local environment. As part of the Green Party of England & Wales, we share a deep concern for social and environmental justice, expressed through our national policies, we believe fair is worth fighting for.
We rely on people power rather than corporate finance in all that we do. Get involved with us today so that we can achieve so much more for Dover and Deal.

We started in February 2015 and meet alternately in Dover and Deal. Among our members, we have people who can speak publicly to your community group on topics such as:
- Fair Voting (Proportional Representation)
- Campaigning against Fracking
- Campaigning for Renewables
- Community Owned Renewable Energy
- Compassion in World Farming
- The work of UNHCR and the refugee crisis
- and many other topics.
If you would like a speaker to come to an event of yours, please contact us (via our Contact page).
We very much value suggestions such as local campaigns we could help with, or offers of help.
The Green Party Political Programme sets out what Greens are in politics to do: to end the system that keeps hurting the environment and all of us who rely on it – and to build a better alternative.
This Programme isn’t like other parties’ manifestos, it has not been squeezed through focus groups and stripped down according to the latest polling. Instead it has been built from policies proposed and voted on by our members, looking to secure the long term future of the places and people they love.
It’s a vision of a better world, and together we can deliver it.
Our steering committee is made up of:
- Mike Eddy (Chair)
- Sarah Waite-Gleave (Joint Coordinator and Election Agent)
- Malgosia Lonsdale (Treasurer)
- Nick Shread (Membership Secretary)
- Christine Oliver (Joint Coordinator and Prospective Parliamentary Candidate)
Our newsletter comes out in Spring and Autumn, and we like to get out and leaflet or do street stalls. Please do get in touch for more details.
We campaign on local issues in Deal, Dover, Sandwich and surrounding villages, including:
- Community energy
- fair voting
- stop live exports
- protect green jobs and the green economy
- clean air
- frack-free Kent
- biodiversity and bees
- social housing and affordable housing
- climate change issues.
We only get money from central office during general elections. We’re always busy and struggle to afford to do everything we want to do. If you’d like to help us campaign please make a donation or volunteer with us. Every little helps!
We could do much more with a bigger active membership. Join us as we speak truth to power.

We are part of Kent Confederation of Green Parties, whose co-chairs are Laura Manston (of Sevenoaks Green Party) and Rich Lehmann (of Swale Green Party).
Laura and Rich are two of 47 Green district / borough councillors in Kent and Rich is also one of 5 Green Kent county councillors.