23rd March 2019 / 13th April 2020 by Editorial Team
Our Green Councillor – Mike Eddy is working with local schools to stop engine idling – damaging children’s health – within 100 meters of any school. We need to raise public awareness as ‘unnecessary engine idling’ is already unlawful. We will also get DDC to adopt the ‘Kent and Medway Air Quality Partnership’ so that […]
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14th March 2019 / 13th April 2020 by Editorial Team
Deal Town Council’s Transport and Infrastructure Committee Chair, Councillor Mike Eddy, hosted a talk by local activist Christine Oliver at the Town Hall on Tuesday 12 March on the issue of air pollution. Deal Town Council recently passed a motion to address the issue of engine idling around schools at pick up and drop off times, which contributes to […]
30th May 2018 by Editorial Team
Environmentalists held a small demonstration in the car park on the proposed new Aldi store in a bid to save nine mature trees. The German chain plans to remove the features to make way for its brand new 1,254 sqm supermarket and 128 space car park on the current Co-op site in Park Street, Deal. […]
28th January 2018 / 20th March 2022 by Editorial Team
In November 2017, our Dover and Deal Green Party campaigners put up air quality monitors outside four primary schools in Deal and five primary schools in Dover. Then they took the nitrogen dioxide results to the professionals at Dover District Council (DDC). “We are very aware that deaths attributable to air pollution in the UK, […]
Four sites in Dover scored 8 out of 10 for bad air quality in a BBC pollution warning last July. To help improve the situation, can you help us raise £200 to pay for 10 NO2 air monitors for Dover and Deal, and some particulate matter ones? We spoke to Dover District Council back in […]