7th June 2019 / 12th April 2022 by Editorial Team
We were delighted to support the cross-party Youth Strike 4 climate demonstration in Deal on 24 May 2019. 108 towns across UK also had demos on the same day. Zero carbon 2030! System change not climate change!
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23rd March 2019 / 13th April 2020 by Editorial Team
Theme 1 of our Action Plan 2019 Dover District Council needs to take steps to ensure our district is carbon neutral by 2030. On current trends, world temperatures will overshoot the global target of restricting temperate rises to 2 degrees centigrade, which will already have extremely serious effects. Not enough is being done. Kent County […]
On fracking our view is very simple – not in Eastry, Timanstone, Guston, Shepherdswell or anywhere else. Fracking is unnecessary. We should stop creating greenhouse gasses and move to renewables. Fracking is dangerous. We live on chalk lands and the noxious chemicals will probably get into our water table. It causes earthquakes which result in large […]
6th March 2019 / 13th April 2020 by Editorial Team
On 6 March, John Lonsdale and Sarah Gleave of Dover district’s Green Party put in a formal question to the Dover District Council (DDC) Conservative Cabinet, appealing for them to act now on the Climate Emergency in the interests of young Dovorians. As Sir David Attenborough and the IPCC say, we have only 12 years […]
30th May 2018 by Editorial Team
Environmentalists held a small demonstration in the car park on the proposed new Aldi store in a bid to save nine mature trees. The German chain plans to remove the features to make way for its brand new 1,254 sqm supermarket and 128 space car park on the current Co-op site in Park Street, Deal. […]