Join our meetings
Dover and Deal Green Party holds regular meetings in Deal and Dover alternately, for members, while non-members are welcome to attend on request if they are curious about becoming more involved and joining the party.
Donate to us locally
Our local party depends on local donations and fundraising to keep pushing local boundaries. We only get money from central office during general elections. We’re always busy and struggle to afford to do everything we want to do.
If you feel able, please donate to us.
Be A Green Councillor

We always welcome supporters and volunteers to help with our campaigning work. Could you help deliver leaflets to your street, or go out with our campaign team and speak to local residents about their concerns?
Do you have fundraising experience or web design, press, research and administrative skills?
However much or little time you can give, we would love to hear from you.

Join the Green Party
As a member, you can be as active as you like. Some things our members have done lately include:
- Joining a music evening to raise funds
- Going to the Paris Climate Summit
- Emailing our member of parliament
- Demonstrating against live animal exports
- Joining our facebook editor team
- Signing the Stop Kent County Council Investing in Fossil Fuels Petition
- Participating in London Climate Demonstration
- Looking into sustainable building development with the CPRE (Campaign to Protect Rural England)
- Writing pieces for our newsletter
- Helping with membership administration
- Campaigning to protect Goodwin Sands
- Working on community cohesion in divided post-brexit East Kent
- Supporting humanitarian treatment of refugees
- Standing for elections as a local councillor
- Looking after trees in need of care
- Taking part in litter picks

Young Greens Group
To find out more about the active Young Greens Group in Dover and Deal, visit their Facebook page at Green Party Deal and Dover Youth