Join us and stand against Live Animal Transport

There is a EU-wide campaign  of the Euro Group for Animals on The petition already has over 1 million signatures across Europe, and is officially supported by Austria, Denmark, German and the Netherlands.

Sign the UK petition now: the UK government will debate it on 28 February 2018.

Recent campaigning by Greens on this issue

  • our South East Green MEP Keith Taylor has been pushing Westminster to support the ban, and took action in Strasbourg.
  • Caroline Lucas attended the Stop Live Transport Demo in London on 13 September.

Dover and Deal Green Party sends support and respect to the valiant campaigners demonstrating in East Kent and Thanet. The Great Repeal Bill of this Government failed to include animal welfare protection regulations of the E.U.

As Keith Taylor MEP says, “live animal transport is barbaric. We need to fight it tooth and nail.”

Caroline Lucas campaigning to Stop Live Transport at a demonstration in London, in September 2017.
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