
Hooray, a chance for the Dover constituency to rid itself of that false, deluding young man. The right Charlie who became our MP in 2010.

The majority didn’t vote for him in 2010 or 2015. Over 28,000 didn’t vote for him and around 22,000 did.

Most of us are less than keen on the far-right and very risky directions taken by the Conservatives since 2015.

This conservative government is seen as grossly irresponsible by people across the political spectrum. From our valued NATO allies to Lord Heseltine and Ken Clark, and all the way across the opposition benches.

Together we can rid ourselves on the 8th June of MPs on the government benches like Charlie. They schmooze with city speculators, plan the slimming of our state, and pretend not to be imposing harsh and divisive austerity measures with their ‘universal credit’. They pretend they’re not rapidly privatising our NHS.

Yes, it is irresponsible to pretend that 250 acres can solve the mayhem for Dover of Britain leaving the customs union in 2019.

Can those of us in the majority, who long for a much more responsible government, and a much more accountable Westminster, find a way to work together? Towards some real ‘One nation’, progressive policies? So that the next generation may inherit a fairer Britain, respected by its allies once again?

We should look into the influence of Big Oil and Putin on our policy-makers, like the US senate has been doing. It is divisive at Easter time to be playing party politics with our beliefs. Politics isn’t a game Teresa, not for the powerless amongst us.

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