Letter to Press, Sep 2020

Across Kent, on local councils, majority groups of one or other of the two older, bigger parties sit tight and say ‘we control all; we are only interesting in projects from within our majority group; we will stop initiatives from opposition cllrs because our job is to stop other cllrs/parties looking competent’.  

This attitude blocks effective local democratic government.  On 1st Sept three members of the majority Labour group on Deal Town council broke free of this stagnant, two-tribe behavior. Well done them! They, along with three Green councillors and three Conservative cllrs supported the co-option of a young climate activist, not of their party, to the town council. 

Abi Stroud will fill the vacancy left when Green Cllr Simon Phillips had to resign after being elected by 841 votes in 2019 in North Deal, and she’ll be the only DTC cllr under 30. Her wide range of experience includes retail experience on Deal High Street.  Well done 3 Labour majority councillors for showing real leadership. 

In fact, well done to all the 15 councillors serving our town and working together as our community goes through these very tough times. Well done also to the Deal TC council officers whose professionalism and impartiality enable a diverse team to work well together.  

Sarah Gleave – Dover and Deal Green Party 

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