Less fuel poverty, more honesty, more action for nature and climate!
Your local Green Party team have worked hard and burnt the midnight oil, to produce this 24 page submission to the DDC Dover District Council Reg 19 consultation that will be presented to the Planning inspectorate. We want a better, fairer Plan to shape our beautiful East Kent home for the next 20 years. We want everyone to have healthy homes that are cheap-to-heat whatever their income. We want everyone to have access to Green Spaces in which nature in flourishing, countryside around us in which our fruit and veg can be grown. We’re making our submission available 7 days before the DDC deadline as a resource for the public. Feel free to use it / adapt it to help you submit your own comments to DDC. Click to download our submission now! If you like our suggestions, you may want to remember that we’ll be trying to get Greens elected to DDC and to town / parish councils in May 2023! These are the links you need to submit your comments to for Dover District Council. The deadline is 5pm Friday 9th December 2022.http://www.doverdistrictlocalplan.co.uk

DDC cannot accept any submission without a full name and address in the Dover district and comments have to be made in relation to soundness and effectiveness, whether it is legally compliant (or not), and whether the DDC Plan is consistent with national policies (or not).
DDC’s Representation Form Guidance Notes (11) say that hard (paper) copies should be sent to: Local Plans TeamDover District Council Offices,
White Cliffs Business Park,
CT16 3PJ Email: localplan@dover.gov.uk