Local Plan? Greens Host 3 Public Meetings in November 

We believe Local Planning Authorities like Dover District Council should listen carefully to the public. We believe they should implement the preferences of the public, and not prioritise profits for the big UK developer lobby.

So we Greens are hosting 2 on-line public meetings AND 1 in-person public meeting in November 2022

1. Thursday 17th November 7:30pm

The first online meeting is on Thursday 17th November from 7:30pm to 8:30pm.
The Zoom link to join the meeting is:

Join with the following:

  • Meeting ID: 849 6266 0011
  • Passcode: 862302

2. Sunday 20th November 10:30am

The in-person public meeting (drop-in format) is on Sunday 20th November from 10.30am to 12.30pm at:
Guston Village Hall,
The Street,
CT15 5EU
(follow signs for The Chance Inn).

Google map location: https://goo.gl/maps/Vd8zico82QSYSqFG6

3. Saturday 26th November 4:00pm

The second online public meeting is on Saturday 26th November from 4:00pm to 5:00pm.
The Zoom link to join the meeting is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84674374166

Join with the following:

  • Meeting ID: 846 7437 4166
  • Passcode: 853402

We urge residents to respond to the public consultation that DDC are running between 21st October and 9th December.

We’d like to see more Dover planning regulations that caused planning decisions to be decided in the interests of social, climate and environmental justice, between now and 2040. After all we are living through crises of cost-of-living, climate and ecological emergencies.

Below is a taster of what you’ll see in the PDF of our submission to DDC during the first consultation under lockdown that ended March 2021.
Further details from here: Our 10 Point Plan for Environmentally Sustainable Housing – Dover & Deal (greenparty.org.uk)

In our 2021 (Reg 18) submission to DDC we said:

“We want to see an amendment in Strategic Policy 3 Residential Windfall Development as follows:

In the case of planning applications on developments of over 8 dwellings on windfall development sites, within 3 miles of the boundaries of Deal / Walmer, permission will only be given if the developer applicant has previously undertaken a development of a similar scale within Dover Urban area which provides a minimum of 30% affordable housing.”

Reading Borough Council passed a Local Plan in 2019 stating, in section 4.4.36 (c) that ‘all major new build residential development should be designed to achieve zero carbon homes.

We suggested people in Dover deserve to live in zero carbon homes too, homes that are cheap-to-heat especially during this energy bill crisis.

Pic for public meetings nLP changed JPG
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