May 4th 2023 Election Results

Following the May 4th 2023 election results, we’re sad that we won’t have the Green voices on Dover District Council (DDC) to push for more action on the climate, ecological and cost of living emergencies.

Despite all the months of hard work by our small team we were runners up in our target wards, 53 extra votes could have won us a seat.  It was lack of people to do enough doorknocking in the ward that stopped us breaking through here, we think.

Town Council Success

However, we are celebrating winning 10 town council seats, and seeing another 2 green friends elected as independent candidates onto parish councils. We continued to hold our place as the 3rd most popular party in Dover district, despite a much more crowded field than in 2019.

Our councillors are:

Deal Town Council

  • Sam Brookfield
  • Simon Cullen
  • Mike Eddy
  • Pete Findley

Dover Town Council

  • Martin Bradley
  • Beccy Sawbridge
  • Nick Shread

Walmer Town Council

  • Mike Eddy
  • Pete Findley
  • Sarah Waite-Gleave

We’d have liked Christine Oliver and Steph O’Connor to have been elected too, but unfortunately it wasn’t to be this time around.

More Good News

More good news is that Greens in Kent doubled in number, there are 47 now.  11 of them on F&HDC, 5 on ThanetDC, 4 on CanterburyCC. And in England and Wales Greens have shot up to 753 higher level councillors, with 200 net gains!

If you look at which wards we used our limited resources in, you’ll see we focussed on taking Conservative seats. We apologise if you live in a ward where we were not able this time to stand a candidate, we keep growing and hope to stand more candidates next time. Perhaps you could join us to help in our efforts to grow?

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