Text of letter sent in to East Kent Mercury:
An irresponsible Conservative government must not be given more power at Westminster in June; our rich country is already the most unequal on this continent.
Beccy and her election agent, Sarah went with an East Kent Greenpeace delegation to the Paris Climate Summit in December 2015 and demonstrated with tens of thousands of others representing communities worldwide.
The Green Party believes that the dangers to life on Earth have never been more urgent. Civil society, communities, church groups, NGOs and many businesses and unions are stepping up to the plate, to divest fast from fossil fuels, to create an economy for the future and to mitigate the horror for those on the sharp end of climate change.
However, the Conservative Govt at Westminster is siding with Big Oil multinational corporations to protect ‘stranded assets’; while expert scientists worldwide warn of a species collapse.
After Brexit, we want a new Environmental Protection Act and a reformed farming subsidy that puts sustainable, humane agriculture first.
The Conservatives, who brook no democratic opposition, side with privatising healthcare companies and tried to delay the weak, new air pollution regulations until the judges stood up against early deaths and for the health of the people.
Let’s think of future generations and oppose the Conservative stranglehold on our democracy.
The Green Party nationally had 10% of the votes that the Conservatives had in 2015. If we had a fair voting system, the Green Party would have had 10% of the 330 MPs the Conservatives have had at Westminster; the voice of 20 -30 Green MPs at Westminster to speak out for life on Earth; for a fairer Britain.