Policies to Support Local Business

The Green Party thinks Dover District Council (DDC) should support our great local medium and small businesses, start-ups and co-operatives like Thanet Community Transport.

The Conservatives may talk a lot about the free market but really use it as a cover to defend excessive profit extraction by a few large corporations.

They always seem to prefer financialised corporations to small and medium-sized businesses.

DDC’s development plan seeks to encourage volume builders like Persimmon, Wimpey etc. to build over our greenfield sites. How much of the profits are invested and circulate in our area?

We completely agree that more houses are needed, especially quality social housing, we would provide these on brownfield sites as much as possible – encouraging the use of local building firms and labour.

Future economic development and jobs should be based on high tech Green industry and tourism.

We support plans for cycle tourism in Deal.  Regeneration in Dover with its fantastic heritage which successive councils have allowed to become run down.

This article covered one of the 14 Themes of Dover and Deal Geen Party Action Plan:

  1. Action on Climate Emergency
  2. Open Government
  3. Improving Democracy
  4. Value for Money
  5. Policies to Support Local Business
  6. Planning Policy that Works
  7. No to Fracking
  8. Yes to support for electric cars
  9. A Plastics Free Council
  10. Ending Live animal exports
  11. Better Air Quality
  12. Support for Bus Transport
  13. Better Amenities – Especially For Young People
  14. Universal Credit and Other Benefits


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