Progressive Alliance; the alternative to destructive conservatives post referendum ?

Natalie Bennett our Green Party star who was national leader 2012 –16 came to speak in Deal on 21 November 2016 on this subject, at the  Astor Community Theatre.


There needs to be real constructive opposition and Caroline Lucas reached out to others in the Labour and Lib dem parties in July to suggest a Progressive Alliance. A cast iron commitment to making votes count, i.e. proportional representation is key.

A prog alliance would see discussions amongst Greens, Labour and LibDems in constituencies across the UK  in the lead up to the next General Election.

Libdem Vince Cable and Labour shadow minister Clive Lewis are some of the many who believe we need to come together for more accountable, inclusive govt than that  provided by the the risk-addicted conservatives. (The investigation of election expenses cheating in 29 conservative seats continues.)

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