We could turn Dover district Green

For the first time, everyone in Dover district will have a chance to vote Green Party in the KCC ELECTIONS on 4 May 2017.

Currently in Dover District, there are no Green Party councillors at Town, District or County level. We think it is time to change that.

Our five candidates

  • Sandwich, Eastry and villages – Aidan Shanks.
  • Deal and Walmer – John Lonsdale.
  • Dover North villages – Nick Fox.
  • Dover Town – Beccy Sawbridge.
  • Dover West villages – Sarah Gleave

Working together for a brighter future

For the last 2 years your local Green Party activists have been working hard on local community initiatives with progressive councillors.

The two big parties are strongly against us getting any representation at all. But we stand with voters who want to be heard not herded by bigger parties more interested in Westminster power-grabs.

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