Ending Live animal exports

New Zealand has banned the export of live animals for slaughter since 2003 without any problems.

We can do the same. We support KAALE and other groups campaigning to stop this terrible trade passing through our port of Dover.

The Conservatives have taken the view that nothing can be done because it is against EU rules – although now with Brexit they say it is against WTO rules – on free trade. This seems complete hypocrisy.

Our local Green MEP, Keith Taylor, has actually done something about the problem – he has persuaded the EU parliament to limit journey times for live animals to 8 hours and for unweaned animals to 4 hours.

There are restrictions on the transport of many goods so what has transporting live animals got to do with free trade?

This article covered one of the 14 Themes of Dover and Deal Geen Party Action Plan:

  1. Action on Climate Emergency
  2. Open Government
  3. Improving Democracy
  4. Value for Money
  5. Policies to Support Local Business
  6. Planning Policy that Works
  7. No to Fracking
  8. Yes to support for electric cars
  9. A Plastics Free Council
  10. Ending Live animal exports
  11. Better Air Quality
  12. Support for Bus Transport
  13. Better Amenities – Especially For Young People
  14. Universal Credit and Other Benefits
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