Register for a FREE BeeBomb for your garden! Just email with your name and address in Walmer.
A limited number will be available to Walmer residents ready for Spring planting. The Beebombs will come with advice for planting to ensure success.
Order now to make sure you get one – one per household. Walmer Town Council will let you know in the Spring when it’s ready to collect.

Why this matters
British bees love to feast on a wide range of native wildflower species, and our gardens are important habitats for them. As bee populations are in decline we want to do our bit to help reverse that and help our important pollinators thrive again.
This is a Walmer Town Council, Climate Emergency Working Group, initiative and is part of their drive to help mitigate the effects of climate change in our community.
Why BeeBombs and what are they?
97% of natural bee and butterfly habitat has been lost in the UK since WW2. 97%. Ninety seven percent. It’s frightening and critical.
With your help, we can start to restore the lost wildflower habitat and make an important contribution to the biodiversity of Walmer and Great Britain
Hand made in Dorset, Beebombs ( are a mix of 18 British wildflower seeds, fine, sifted soil and locally sourced clay. The seeds are native species and designated by the Royal Horticultural Society as “Perfect for Pollinators”. Walmer in Bloom member Mr Richard Oram, a local lepidopterist, has looked into the composition of BeeBombs and feels they are a suitable mix to be used in this area without causing an unnatural imbalance in the local fauna. This is important as a sudden change can cause a shock to the insect population.

Beebombs just need to be scattered onto cleared ground to create a wildflower meadow that will #bringthebeesback
In terms of coverage, one pack of Beebombs, covers 21 square foot or 2 square metres.
Bee Bombs can be scattered throughout the year, the clay protects them until they are ready to germinate, though many say spring and autumn are particularly good times to start them growing. Around 20% will start flowering in the first year. Biennials and Perennials in the mix will start blossoming in the 2nd year.
BeeBombs come with no plastic packaging. They are 100% sustainable and recyclable. BeeBombs are sold individually at £7.99 each, but Walmer Town Council will supply them to Walmer residents for FREE.