Inland Border Facility: Green Party Peer Natalie Bennett Speaks Up For Dover Residents

There was much local disappointment at the failure of the Conservative Cabinet at DDC to use their powers as Local Planning Authority to demand an Environmental Impact Assessment for the site Central Govt commandeered for Dover Inland Border Facility. We note that 8 of the 11 opposition Labour councillors voted against the weak line taken by Conservative cllrs in majority.

Your local Green Party sent in a 3 page submission to Dept for Transport on 8th Feb 2021 and copies also went to all DDC cllrs and Kent Director or Highways and to a legal team in London specialising in environmental justice cases. So yes, we continue to push for a better outcome and our thoughts are with residents all around the site of the IBF at this very stressful time. And we stand with Guston (and their determined + active PC) , Rokesley Ward, Dover and Whitfield residents, and those of the surrounding area where problems are anticipated.

Green Party Peer Natalie Bennett, sent us a message after she spoke up for Dover residents in the House of Lords on Thursday 11th Feb. She called for ‘full compensation for all who feel forced to move because of the siting of the Dover IBF’.
View Natalie’s Message
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