Issue : Lack of public toilets in Dover Town – New Petition to install 3 or 4 more public toilet blocks

A new on-line petition to double the number of public toilets in Dover town was launched 25th June 2020 by Keith Sansum and Sarah Gleave of Dover and Deal Green Party. The petition calls on the Mayor and Town Clerk of Dover Town Council to work with Dover District Council to put in more toilets.  

In Oct 2020 it was announced that £1.5m would be invested post Covid in a Dover cable car. We say it is ridiculous to plan to invest £1.5million on a cable car in a town which has no public toilets near the only coach park in town.  Everyone knows that coach companies plan their excursions round suitable comfort breaks. Obviously £1.5million would be better spent on 3 installations of good public toilets, one to be installed by 1 June 2021 in the Maison Dieu Car / Coach park. What is the point of Dover town having 2 KCC cllrs (Con), 8 District cllrs (6 Lab+2Con) and 17 Town cllrs (8 Lab) if together they cannot install a couple of new modern public toilets?

Keith Sansum said, “It is a disgrace that Dover, the gateway to England, has less than half as many public toilets compared with Deal and Walmer. Communities in Dover, people with babies and toddlers, and OAPs have been crying out for Dover Town to have more toilets for years. We won’t be palmed off with half measures and it isn’t good enough for Dover Town Council to say they are trying to find businesses who will let some people come in sometimes to use their loos.  

Sarah Gleave said, “Whether we are in lockdown or not, Dover needs modern self-cleaning toilets. Because historic Dover needs to be a healthy 21st century town too.  Walking and cycling shot up during lockdown. More Dovorians want to walk and cycle too, but we can’t if we are worried about being caught short.  The lack of loos makes it very difficult for people without cars, it discourages walking; or the bushes become unhygienic.  Our 2 Green town councillors have suggested a doubling or trebling of public toilets in Dover town, but experience shows it will need a public petition and a lot of community campaigning for action to happen.  

Victoria Pasquino of The Allotment restaurant said, “I run the Allotment restaurant opposite the Town Hall and I get inundated with people asking if they can use our toilet. I refuse as I’ve had loo rolls stolen and mess and I’m on a water meter. This has only started since the public toilets behind the town hall shut, when I also noticed other restaurants and cafes putting signs in the window saying toilets are for customer use only. 

Nick Shread said, “Dover needs regeneration and visitors. Why not invest in 3 or 4 good self-cleaning toilets. If Maison Dieu Coach Park became the site of one set of good public toilets, coach visitors could stop for an hours’ comfort break, visit our lovely Dover Town Hall –the Maison Dieu, and visit London Road’s  shops and cafes. Visitors  could spend pennies and pounds in Dover Town centre. Promises were made over 2 years ago, this matter is urgent. Dovorians are still waiting with crossed legs. “ 

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