Planning Policy that Works

Dover District Council (DDC) should use all its planning powers to ensure:

  • more trees are planted
  • there are electric car points for all new houses
  • buildings are as far as possible insulated to the highest standards
  • buildings are carbon neutral. 

DDC should resist any pressure from developers to build fast to lower standards.

We will take on board what Parish Councils have to say – in particular about the need for infrastructure to support development and environmental impact.

Section 106 should be spent on local amenities such as playgrounds, putting in car club space and electric charging points. It should not be spent on subsidies to private bus companies.

Many ‘affordable’ homes built by developers are not affordable at all and DDC should return to providing good quality council housing.

We know in reality much planning is controlled by central government through its National Planning and Policy Framework – but DDC could do better.

We also need a good system of cycle routes.

DDC is working on a new district plan to run until 2037. We hope to see more well-designed, higher density developments that cut down on urban sprawl and make walking and cycling to work easier.

This article covered one of the 14 Themes of Dover and Deal Geen Party Action Plan:

  1. Action on Climate Emergency
  2. Open Government
  3. Improving Democracy
  4. Value for Money
  5. Policies to Support Local Business
  6. Planning Policy that Works
  7. No to Fracking
  8. Yes to support for electric cars
  9. A Plastics Free Council
  10. Ending Live animal exports
  11. Better Air Quality
  12. Support for Bus Transport
  13. Better Amenities – Especially For Young People
  14. Universal Credit and Other Benefits
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