Oh Dear ! The developers constructing on the steep area by the allotments on Folkestone Road have decided to go way beyond the planning application conditions. This is a development by Enzo’s Homes. Why would these developer get the idea that planning conditions don’t matter ? Is it due to the announcements about pleasing developers coming out of the new government in Westminster?
The local residents are very unhappy about the damage to the lovely environment in Elms Vale area of Dover Town, right on the edge of Kent Downs AONB (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty) / National Landscapes, a designation that should provide extra planning protection. Residents are concerned about damage to wildlife and biodiversity caused by the developers going beyond the area permitted.
In the week of 19th to 23rd Aug a planning enforcement stop notice had to be issued (ENF/24/00185). Our Green Party campaigner Steph O’Connor, stepped in to contact the Leader of DDC, Cllr Kevin Mills on the issue and got a detailed and prompt reply:
“Dover District Council has served a temporary stop notice in respect of the site at land South West of Allotments in Folkestone Road, Dover, and land on the west side of Church Road, Dover, requiring unauthorised carrying out of operational development including engineering works relating to terracing, compaction and regrading of spoil within the site to cease. The notice takes effect today, 23rd August 2024 and will cease to have effect on 18th October 2024.
The reason for issuing this notice is because the development, by virtue of its sensitive location within the Kent Downs National Landscape and its countryside location, has resulted in a prominent and unsympathetic alteration to the site and wider landscape, failing to conserve or enhance the landscape and scenic beauty of the National Landscape and the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside.” Cllr Kevin Mills.

Steph, other Green campaigners in Dover and local residents are continuing to monitor the situation carefully and will be prompt to protest any additional damage to the green space they love so much.
Of course Dover town and other coastal communities across the UK are crying our for genuinely affordable and council houses which are cheap to heat and close to services. This is what the Green Party has campaigned for, the Right homes in the Right Place at the Right Price. To achieve these solutions to the homelessness crisis a determined approach to planning by central government and by Local Planning Authorities is needed. Not posturing to pretend to the property development lobby that they will have everything their own way.