We’ve been busy meeting residents about DDC draft new Local Plan

At the first of our 3 on-line public meetings on Sat 13th Feb, it was great to hear so much well-informed constructive discussion on whether promises in nLP to protect climate and natural world are strong enough. Very grateful to Dr Hilary Newport of CPRE Kent for attending + offering examples of good work done elsewhere in SE. Lots of ideas came up on how nLP could be made a LOT more meaningful.

Improvements suggested included –

  • taking a strong line to get cheap-to-heat, affordable homes into Dover Urban area,
  • much more regs to allow new and existing residents to benefit from EXISTING, MATURE carbon-sequestering trees,
  • regs to push for cheap-to-install rainwater + grey water harvesting on new builds,
  • regs to designate new wildlife corridors (please suggest routes to us !) so that nice words about ‘natural connectivity’ can be matched by nice deeds.

See our upcoming events for details of future events.

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