Thank you to those who encouraged us to try and get a Green voice on DDC, and to stand a candidate in the DDC Sandwich by-election on 19th August 2021, caused by the resignation of MJ Holloway, a Conservative cllr.
We wanted to, but our small team of community activists, leafleters and canvassers are exhausted in Aug 2021 and so we didn’t have the resources. We especially apologise to the 508 folks who voted for us in Sandwich in May 2021.

We’re looking for people to tell us more about the area, what it needs & how we can help; people who can help us find out more by talking with/ doing quick informal surveys with other residents; people who are joining/ setting up/ tied into local community groups & campaigns where we might be able to help; people to help write, design or deliver regular local newsletters a few times a year; people who can help during election/ by-election campaigns with everything from canvassing & leafletting to putting up a poster or making the tea!
And we’re always on the lookout across Dover district for people who can do, write articles & blogs, help with practical things like planting & litter picking and/ or people who can manage to make small regular / one-off financial donations to help fund what we do. (And there will be lots of other things)
People can sign up formally as Friends of the Green Party, do things with us regularly or just help out occasionally on a one-off basis. We are growing fast but want to be able to do so much more, so any sort of help is hugely welcome!